Woof Together Academy

for Housekeepers

What's included?

  • 2 chapters
  • 14 videos
  • 51 minutes
  • 7 documents
  • 3 exams
  • 1 certificate
  •   Pet amenities
    Seek the significance of essential and additional pet equipment in an exquisite hospitality experience for all of your guests.

  •   Housekeeping
    Debunk all bias behind cleaning a room after pet guests and find out protocols and products that will leave a sparkling clean experience.

  •   Crisis management
    Look into the most common types of pet-related emergencies and scrutinize each respective type of response.

Course Lessons

The curriculum in detail

Certificate included

  • Add it to your resume

    Upon completion of the program, you will receive the relevant certificate of attendanceenriching your resume.
  • Provide it to the PetStay auditors

    In order for a hotel to receive the PetStay Certification, each member of the management team, the front desk and the housekeeping must have completed a respective training provided by extrernal contractors.
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